时 间:2022年12月6日(周二)16:00-17:30
地 点:线上腾讯会议
会 议 号:932-556-264
主 持 人:从佳佳 复旦大学管理学院 副教授
题 目:Empowering Women: The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Gender Education Inequality
主 讲 人:占超群 中山大学岭南学院经济系助理教授
个人简介:占超群,中山大学岭南学院经济系助理教授、特聘副研究员,香港大学经济学博士,研究方向为国际贸易、并购、和中国经济,论文发表于Journal of International Economics等学术期刊,获安子介国际贸易论文奖、青木昌彦经济学论文奖提名奖,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。
摘 要:The gender education gap has been narrowing worldwide for the recent decades. We provide the first causal evidence on how foreign direct investment (FDI) affects the gender education gap in China. By exploiting the deregulation of FDI entry in 2002 in China, we find that FDI deregulation reduces the gender education gap. The finding is robust to various identification challenges. We further show that FDI shapes the gender education gap through both the job-opportunity channel, which disproportionally increases unskilled-male job demand; and the culture-spillover channel, which transmits gender-equal social norms. FDI deregulation also empowers female career in the longer run.