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时    间:2022年11月22日(周二)15:00-16:30

地    点: 腾讯在线会议

会议号:745-953-458    密码:1024

主讲人: 王苏生 教授 香港科技大学商学院

主持人: 古定威 讲师 复旦大学管理学院

题    目:Efficient Venture Capital Market

摘    要:The venture capital market consists of three major types of venture capital (VC): independent venture capital (IVC), government-sponsored venture capital (GVC), and corporate venture capital (CVC). Each VC type has its own distinct objective and focus. Each entrepreneurial venture has a financial value and a technological value. We investigate which VC type is the most efficient in financing which type of ventures, i.e., the efficient allocation of VC funds. We find that IVC and CVC are equally the most efficient in financing relatively high-return ventures, whereas GVC is the most efficient in financing relatively low-return ventures.

主讲人简介:王苏生,香港科技大学经济系教授,研究方向为信息经济学、委托代理理论。研究成果发表于American Economic Review、Journal of Economic Theory、International Economic Review、Journal of Development Economics等国际顶级期刊。