题目:Improving Management through Worker Evaluations: Evidence from Auto Manufacturing
主讲人:蔡 婧马里兰大学 助理教授
主持人:李玲芳复旦大学管理学院 教授
腾讯会议号:887 994 052
摘要:Using a randomized experiment with an automobile manufacturing firm in China, we measure the effects of letting workers evaluate their managers on worker and firm outcomes. In the treatment teams, workers evaluate their managers monthly. We find that providing feedback leads to significant reductions in worker turnover and increases in team-level productivity. In addition, workers report higher levels of happiness and well-being. The evidence suggests that these results are driven by learning by managers leading to changes in their behavior and an overall better relationship between managers and workers.
主讲人简介:Jing Cai is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland. She received her PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 2012. Her research areas are development economics and household finance. Her current research examines the growth of micro-enterprises and SMEs, impacts of tax incentives on firm behavior, and diffusion and impacts of financial innovations in developing countries. Dr. Cai is a Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), an affiliate of the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), and an affiliated professor of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). She currently serves as an associate editor of the Journal of Development Economics and the Economic Development and Cultural Change.