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时   间:2023年12月29日(周五)13:30-14:30

地   点:思源楼326室

题   目:Proportional vs. Unit Subsidies: Evidence from on Alibaba’s Digital Food Delivery Platform

主讲人:周晓岚 教授

主持人:李玲芳  教授

摘   要:

Using granular geospatial data from Alibaba’s digital food delivery platform in China, we compare the effectiveness of proportional subsidies with unit subsidies on the cooked food sector only or the uncooked food sector only or both sectors. We build a structural model to analyze the competition between shops of cooked food and uncooked food sectors on a platform, incorporating shop price competition, intertemporal demand spillover effects and cross-group network effects (CNEs). We find that the intertemporal demand spillover effects are at both shop and platform levels. The cooked food sector and the uncooked food sector are static substitutes but dynamic complements to each other. On the extensive margin, a unit subsidy on the uncooked food sector is most efficient for a platform to expand its user base. On the intensive margin, an increase in proportional pricing or commission rate on the cooked food sector only is most efficient for a platform to boost the total net gross merchandise volume (GMV). Finally, a unit subsidy on the uncooked food sector only is most efficient for a social-concerned platform.

简   介:

周晓岚,山东大学经济学院教授。她获得耶鲁大学经济学博士学位、武汉大学数理经济与数学双学位。她的主要研究领域是产业组织经济学、微观经济学、国际贸易。她的研究成果发表于经济学的顶级期刊The Rand Journal of Economics,International Economic Review等。