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时 间:2022年11月1日(周二)15:30-17:00

地 点:腾讯会议室 814854774  密码:123456

题 目:Unrevealing Omni-channel Sellers’ Coping Strategy toward Platform Channel Integration Control

主持人:李玲芳 教授

主讲人:刘和福 教授

摘    要:In omni-channel retailing, e-marketplace platforms provide functions for sellers to achieve online-offline channel integration in a cost-efficient way. However, platforms witness sellers’ misbehavior on implementing channel integration, thereby they set a new policy to control the quality of presenting offline information on the platform. Therefore, this study tends to understand how omni-channel sellers react to the platform’s control of channel integration. We collected data from two e-marketplace platforms in China, which involves 16-week observations before the platform’s control policy and 6-week observations after the policy. By using PSM and DID method, study 1 found that sellers will reduce their channel integration degree within the focal platform. Besides, sellers will change their cross-platform product and service offering strategies. Study 2 further disentangled the impact of such coping strategies on product sales from the platform perspective. We anticipate that findings can be useful for platform owners to refine their control policy in omni-channel retailing.

主讲人介绍:刘和福,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授、博导。研究领域包括供应链管理、IT价值创造、数字化商业模式、全渠道管理等。主持国家自然科学青年、面上和优秀青年基金,及科技部重大专项课题等多个项目。研究成果在Journal of Operations Management (JOOM)、MIS Quarterly (MISQ)、Production and Operations Management (POM)等国际主流学术期刊发表,并获教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第四)、爱思唯尔(Elsevier)榜单的中国高被引学者(管理科学与工程领域)、JOM2021年度大使荣誉奖等。现任SSCI期刊Information Technology and People (ITP)、Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS)、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)副编辑 (Associate Editor)。