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题目:Data-Driven Mergers and Personalization


主持人:陆卓然 复旦大学管理学院产业经济学系 助理教授

摘要:Recent years have seen growing cases of data-driven tech mergers such as Google/Fitbit, in which a dominant digital platform acquires a relatively small firm possessing a large volume of consumer data. The digital platform can consolidate the consumer data with its existing data set from other services and use it for personalization in related markets. We develop a theoretical model to examine the impact of such mergers across the two markets that are related through a consumption synergy. The merger links the markets for data collection and data application, through which the digital platform can leverage its market power and hurt competitors in both markets. Personalization can lead to exploitation of some consumers in the market for data application. But insofar as competitors remain active, the merger increases total consumer surplus in both markets by intensifying competition. When the consumption synergy is large enough, the merger can result in monopolization of both markets, leading to further consumer harm when stand-alone competitors exit in the long run. Thus there is a trade-off where potential dynamic costs can outweigh static benefits. We also discuss policy implications by considering various merger remedies.




题目:Management practices and energy efficiency in industrial firms: Experimental evidence from China



摘要:We study the relationship between structured management practices and energy use outcomes in Chinese manufacturing firms. First, we show electricity use intensity (electricity use divided by output) declines as management practice score increases, consistent with studies in other settings. However, cost is reduced more than energy: moving from the 25th to 75th percentile on management score is associated with a reduction in electricity intensity of 40% in value terms (electricity expenditure divided by output value) and a 33% reduction in physical terms (electricity use in kilowatt-hours divided by output value). In a randomized controlled trial, we find that after being provided with energy saving recommendations, firms that score lower on management practices reaped large, statistically-significant reductions in post-treatment unit energy cost, while these savings fell as management scores increased. Although they improved less, better-managed firms were more likely to receive cost estimates for and to adopt recommendations. Our findings suggest that in developing countries energy efficiency interventions may improve the competitiveness of the least well-managed firms but may have limited aggregate effects on energy use and emissions.

主讲人简介:张达,清华大学能源环境经济研究所副教授,研究方向为能源与应对气候变化的政策分析。张达于清华大学获得工学学士学位和管理科学与工程博士学位。他目前主持的研究项目包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家发改委、国家能源局、世界银行、国际能源署等资助的项目。他以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy, The Energy Journal, China Economic Review等期刊发表多篇论文。